Beginners - New Students - No experience, No partner, NO PROBLEM
Singles Couples Wedding & Social Dances
Arriving at the studio:
We ask all dancers to arrive 5-10 minutes before their scheduled lesson. This allows you to have time to change shoes, use the restroom and get familiar with the space.
After your lesson:
Before you leave, make sure that you are signed out and scheduled for your next lesson. This helps keep all your classes accounted for, and allows our instructors to plan accordingly. Costa Rica Ballroom Dance Studio is not responsible for missing or lost items left in the dance studio. Please make sure you have everything with you.
The fast and easy way to get started is by texting 612-240-9053, or emailing Costaricaballroom@gmail.com. After your lesson you may schedule your remaining lessons at the front desk.
Payment Options:
We accept checks and all major credit cards or Checks.
Payment Policy:
All payments for classes are due before lessons have been taken.
All sales are final, no returns and no refunds.
Expiration Dates:
All Private Lessons expired 6 months from the time of purchased.
Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be made 48 hours in advanced. If the allowed time is not given, you will be charged for the lesson.
In cases of emergencies the studio will consider your personal situation.
For questions contact 612-240-9053.
Participant Release and Waiver of Liability
I choose to participate in classes, performances, workshops, and other activities at Costa Rica Ballroom Dance Studios of my own free will and certify that I am in proper physical condition to take part in such activities.
If I have questions about whether an activity is suitable for me to pursue, I will consult my health care provider in making that decision. If I have any known physical vulnerabilities, conditions, or injuries, I agree to discuss them with the director before participating.
By participating in dance classes or events at Costa Rica Ballroom, I release Costa Rica Ballroom Dance Studios and Successfull Businesses LLC and their directors, owners, students, teachers, staff, employees, volunteers, associates (collectively referred to in this document as “CRBDS”) from any liability or claim that I or my representatives may have against CRBDS with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, or property loss or damage that may result from my participation at CRBDS.
I voluntarily release and forever discharge and hold harmless CRBS from any and all claims or demands for damages, loss of services, costs and expenses, injuries, attorney fees, and any other call for reparation from any and all injury to me or my property arising in any way from my participation in dance classes, camps, intensives, workshops, performances, troupes, the use of CRBDS equipment or facilities, and any activities associated with CRBDS.
I understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with, arising out of, and inherent to dancing. These risks include the potential for slips and falls, sprains, strains, dislocations, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, podiatric conditions, and other risks not specified here.
Understanding these risks and the potential for others not listed, I agree to personally accept and assume all of the risks present in my participation at CRBDS. My participation at CRBDS is entirely voluntary, and I choose to participate in spite of the risks.
Dance education sometimes requires hands-on instruction as well as verbal instruction. Instructors may correct dancers by touching their arms, legs, feet, hips, back and head to move them in the correct position. I acknowledge that this is a common standard in dance instruction and understand that it is my responsibility to communicate clearly with my teacher and/or the director if any form of touch is unacceptable to me.
Medical Treatment and Insurance
I understand that CRBDS does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial or other assistance in the event of injury or illness, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance or support.
I authorize BSD to obtain necessary medical or dental treatment, including first aid, ambulance transport, hospitalization, or such other care necessary for my health and welfare in an emergency. If my insurance does not cover emergency treatment that is deemed necessary and sought for me by CRBDS, I agree to be responsible for and pay all costs incurred on my behalf.
I release and discharge CRBDS from any claim which may arise on account of any first aid, treatment, or service rendered in connection with my participation in CRBDS activities or with the decision by any representative or agent of BSD to consent to medical or dental treatment on my behalf in an emergency.
I understand that CRBDS does not carry or maintain health, medical, dental, or disability insurance coverage for any participant. I agree to take responsibility for full payment of any emergency medical or dental costs related to my CRBDS participation regardless of whether I have insurance coverage.
Photographic Release
I understand that CRBDS may take photo and video recordings of me during my participation in CRBDS classes and activities. I convey to CRBDS full rights and interest in these recordings. I understand such recordings may be used in advertising or other published materials, physical or virtual.
If I do NOT consent to being photographed or video-recorded, I will make sure the director is aware of my concerns and the reasons for them, I will be proactive about avoiding being photographed or recorded, and I will hold CRBDS harmless if a photo or video recording of me is released despite all precautions. I understand that this choice may limit my participation in performances that are routinely photographed and/or videotaped.
While a participant at CRBDS, I agree to abide by any rules, codes, and policies that are put in place by CRBDS before or at any time during my participation. If I have questions or concerns regarding any policies or decisions made by any representative of CRBDS, I agree to bring them promptly and specifically to the director’s attention.
If I file a lawsuit against CRBDS, I agree to do so solely in the state of Vermont and agree that the substantive law of Vermont shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that state. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining document shall remain in full force and effect.
All participants must sign a Signature Page at the start of each dance year certifying that they have read this document, understand it in its entirety, and agree to be bound by its terms, before participating in classes.